Pastor Rodney Walker 

2025-02-16   Brooklyn Church of God                                              

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317-831-1863 (Please leave message) 


Join us Sunday, February 9th, 2025 @ 10:30 for Worship and the preaching of God's Word.

Message:  Wisdom for the New Year - make room for God's Church!

Text: Hebrews 10: 23-25

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Just Rodney

Each week, you will find brief insights on this blog page into Pastor Rodney's upcoming Sunday message. After each Sunday service, visit this blog again to view the same post, updated with a video of our worship time.

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  • Dec14Fri

    The Miracle of Christmas

    December 14, 2018


    The Miracle of Christmas.  There has been much planning, shopping, decorating, card giving and much more going on up to this point.  When “all the dust” has settled preparing for Christmas, you realize what is important - people!   All the other “stuff” that goes along with our preparation and celebration is okay, but Christmas is about relationships - that is why Jesus came.

    The giver and sustainer of life came so that “(you) may have life, and that (you) may have it more abundantly.” - Jesus (cf. John 10:10)

    That abundant life that Jesus speaks of is only achieved by accepting God’s gift of salvation.  The bible reminds us “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” 

    (cf. Romans 6:23)  Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life.  He who believes in Me, though he may die he shall live.  And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die.” (cf. John 11:25)  If you have accepted the gift of God of salvation through Christ you have not only received the greatest gift of all, but you have experienced the greatest miracle of all - the new birth!  God’s greatest desire is that you spend an eternity with Him and one another.   With all the celebration and preparation of Christmas let’s make sure we not lose sight of the message - “the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

    Have you accepted God’s gift?  Have you experienced the miracle of Christmas?  The bible says, “as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.” (John 1:12-13)

    The gift of God is also the greatest miracle of all!  I pray that you and your loved ones experience  “The Miracle of Christmas!”

    Merry Christmas - God loves YOU!

    In His Service,

    Pastor Rodney