Brooklyn Church of God  10:30 Worship                                                                                                   Visit us on Facebook @ Brooklyn Church of God, Inc. 

July 12th  Message: He is able!  
Theme: Jesus makes all the difference

Brooklyn Family (0 Photos)

Our Church 
We are non-denominational, affiliated with the Church of God, Anderson Indiana.
Our current location was established in 1963.  For insight into what we believe and what we are about please go to our national website (

What to Expect
What to expect if you visit us for Sunday Worship: A personal greeting from our pastor. You would also receive a friendly, loving and caring group of people that love Jesus and love others. Our style of worship is traditional (hymns) with special music. We preach and teach the whole counsel of God's Word contained within the Canon of Scripture - the 66 books, commonly referred to as the Old and New Testaments - The HOLY BIBLE.

Senior Pastor: Rodney Walker

Associate Pastors
Jerry Bailey   Visitation and Outreach
Ben Helton     Visitation and Pastoral Care

Our Board of Directors
Sr Pastor Rodney Walker, Associate Pastor Ben Helton, Associate Pastor Jerry Bailey, Kathy Holke, Connie Bradberry, 
 Gloria Wrightsman, Hallie Fleener, Janice Jacobs.  Treasure: Jack Wrightsman.  Assistant Treasurer's: Earlene McFarland & Becky Walker.  Recording Secretary: Becky Walker

Our Partners in Ministry 
Central Indiana Camp Meeting   ( 
hurch In Mission
Care Net