Just Rodney

Each week, you will find brief insights on this blog page into Pastor Rodney's upcoming Sunday message. After each Sunday service, visit this blog again to view the same post, updated with a video of our worship time.
I am a male. Not just because I identity as a male. Not just because my birth certificate or drivers licenses indicates that I am a male, but because seven weeks into fertilization in my mother’s womb, creator God made me a male. I “was” a sinner not just because I am part of the fallen race of Adam, but also because I willfully sinned against God and His word.
I am now saved, a saint, part of the royal priesthood of God. A child of God and part of the eternal family of God! Not because of anything I have done but because I received, by faith the “cure” for sin - Jesus!
I received Christ as my Savior! He has saved me from the penalty of sin - eternal death. But it doesn’t stop there. I not only received by grace the cure for the penalty of sin, but also by faith received the cure from the power of sin - Jesus! He is savior and Lord! I now identify myself as a “Christian.” Meaning of “the party of Jesus” - a “Christ -one!”
I am a disciple of Jesus Christ - a lifelong learner and follower of Jesus!
As Christ followers, we need to remember that for so many the only gospel they see and hear is our lives! The Apostle Paul in Philippians reminds us of this when he writes, “Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ…” (cf. Philippians 1:27) No, we will never be worthy of salvation. I am no more worthy of salvation today than when I first believed in 1977, but I am to walk “appropriately” - reflecting Jesus in my life for the sake of the Gospel! We must examine ourselves daily and ask the question, “Does my everyday actions, attitudes and behavior advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ, or do they hinder the Gospel?” Paul says in 2 Corinthians 3:2, “You yourselves are our letter…to be known and read by all.” In other words, you and I are God’s love letter to the world! What are we writing?!
73% of Americans identify themselves as Christian? Does that 73% reflect Christ in their lives? Can the world look at your life and say you are “Christian.” Not because you identify yourself as a Christian, but because your lifestyle is a witness that you indeed are!
There are many delusions in our day. Even the liberal state of the church at large is in delusion about many things. Let us not have delusions about what the Bible says about the Christian - a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Pastor Rodney